About me

Hiya, I'm Hazel! I'm a programmer, game developer, and general creative enthusiast. I like to draw, and you might catch me writing prose on occasion. I love learning in every respect, and I'm an avid self-teacher. 

I also love listening to music. I tend to enjoy more niche artists than you may be used to, but I'm always looking to share my favorite tracks, and I'd be happy to take new additions to my collection.

Things that inspire me


What more is there to say? It blew my mind, it made me cry, it reshaped my view of what a game could be. I watch Deltarune's development with great interest - fluffy goat boys are best boys :3


Between D1 and D2 both on ps4 and PC, I've played more of this franchise than I care to admit. I spent hours wandering the dreadnaught back in D1, and I cherish the memory of the first time I cleared the whisper of the worm with my friends. I still jump back in every few months and immerse myself in the current season, and I love seeing the changes and new players falling in love with the franchise. Destiny was a major reason I chose to become a game developer in the first place, and it will always be my comfort game.


A dark russian fairy tale in indie horror game form. The narrative is rock-solid, told through small, impactful setpieces with outlandishly memorable characters. The gorgeous art and killer soundtrack instill an oppressive, overwhelmingly scary atmosphere without using jumpscares. Not to mention the mechanics are polished to a mirror's shine - the UX alone deserves so much praise.


The tightest action-shooter I've ever played, coupled with a combo system that motivates you to use more fun playstyles. One of my favorite games already, and it's not even finished.


Some of my favorite albums, and a link to a playlist of some of my favorite songs. Pictured, in order (top to bottom, left to right):

  1. Can Opener's Notebook: Fish Whisperer - Vylet Pony
Favorite Track: The Yak Song
  1. CUTIEMARKS (And The Things That Guide Them) - Vylet Pony
  1. Nurture - Porter Robinson
Favorite Track: Something Comforting
  1. Superorganism - Superorganism
Favorite Track: Nobody Cares
  1. Beyond the Fleeting Gales - Crying
Favorite Track: Wool in the Wash
Favorite Track: Ponyboy
  1. Trilogy - Carpenter Brut
Favorite Track: Wake Up The President
  1. Creatures of Habit - Kiltro
Favorite Track: If I Lead
  1. Justice - Justice
Favorite Track: Waters of Nazareth
  1. Katana Zero OST - Various Artists
Favorite Track: Sneaky Driver
  1. Undertale - Toby Fox
Favorite Track: Hopes and Dreams
  1. Glass Beach - Glass Beach
Favorite Track: cold weather
  1. Excursions - C418
Favorite Track: Figure 8
  1. The Angel, the Demon - Cacola
Favorite Track: Lit Fuse
  1. Making a Door Less Open - Car Seat Headrest
Favorite Track: Can't Cool Me Down
  1. The Sticks - Mother Mother
Favorite Track: Let's Fall In Love
  1. What Could Be Better - The Happy Fits
Favorite Track: Lit Fuse
  1. Mount Eerie - The Microphones
Favorite Track: IV. Mount Eerie
  1. Spirit Phone - Lemon Demon
Favorite Track: Soft Fuzzy Man
  1. The Great State of Maine - tv room
Favorite Track: Take A Hike
  1. ULTRAKILL: INFINITE HYPERDEATH - Heaven Pierce Her (aka Hakita)
Favorite Track: A Shattered Illusion
  1. The Normal Album - Will Wood
Favorite Track: I / Me / Myself
  1. Music for 18 Musicians - Steve Reich
Favorite Track: lmao it's a continuous track I don't have a favorite
  1. Beam Me Up - Mystery Skulls
Favorite Track: Beam Me Up
  1. EP. 001 - Honorary Astronaut
Favorite Track: Final Dream Machine
  1. A Constant State of Ohio - Lincoln
Favorite Track: Saint BernardFair warning: this one's a trauma track
  1. Blood Rushing Like Current Through a Powerline - acloudyskye
Favorite Track: Heliov
  1. 1000 gecs - 100 gecs
Favorite Track: Ringtone
  1. Stranger in the Alps - Phoebe Bridgers
Favorite Track: Motion Sickness
  1. Glass Riffer - Dan Deacon
Favorite Track: When I Was Done Dying
  1. Lemon Boy - Cavetown
Favorite Track: Fool
  1. Super Pony World: Fairytales (Part 1) - Vylet Pony
Favorite Track: Serpent Dance
  1. Rogue Taxidermy - Days N Daze
Favorite Track: Misanthropic Drunken Loser
  1. Hawaii: Part II - Miracle Musical
Favorite Track: Dream Sweet in Sea Major
  1. Djesse Vol. 3 - Jacob Collier
Favorite Track: All I Need
  1. Let Live & Let Ghosts - Jukebox The Ghost
Favorite Track: Under My Skin
  1. Nothing Happens - Wallows
Favorite Track: Scrawny
  1. Celeste OST
Favorite Track: Reach for the Summit
  1. Void Walker - GHOST DATA
Favorite Track: Become God
  1. Queen of Misfits - Vylet Pony
Favorite Track: Zachem
  1. Floral Strobe - False Noise
Favorite Track: Collapse Theme
  1. Prey OST
Favorite Track: Everything Is Going to Be Okay